Aug 14, 2011

Good weekend Good friends!

Our weekend began Thursday evening when we our friend's Tim and Christine O'Byrne's Marine son arrived. It was good to see Mark again, with newly grown beard and deep blue smiling eyes. We started early Friday morning with friend's and volunteers arriving early to suit the horses up for some cowplay in the arena. As work went on in the arena I worked with Emily, and new Cowboy Up! participant Matt. Emily was working on one of her final objectives to assist a fellow veteran - a job well done by both! From the looks of it Matt will be a fine rider, no doubt!

"Who let the cows out?"

Joe going through the trail course pulling the skid steer with Aztec as Rick, Mark and Norm look on.

Mark, Rick and Norm make a plan of action to get the cows...

Mark makes his move as the red heifer eyes him, looking for an escape!

Mark visits with fellow Marines Sgt. Brandi and Calvin Bockbrader. Oorah!

Duke looks good enough for the show ring with that stellar grooming job!

Tacking up, it's time to ride!

Nice job Matt, look at how comfortable Duke is, all his attention is on you!