Our Training Director / Lead Instructor, Christina Savitsky has been a certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor since 1999. With certification from NARHA (North American Riding for the Handicapped Association), Christina has taught all levels of riding from beginners through reining competitors.
Formally with Equestars, Christina introduced the Horses For Heroes program here in Santa Fe in 2007. After the birth of her daughter, Mesa Ray, we are happy to have her back as we take Horses for Heroes to the next level with our Cowboy Up! program. A full-time cowgirl she and her husband Ethan manage the Pecos Bar X Bar Ranch in northern, New Mexico.
In one of many instructor training sessions held this winter at the Crossed Arrows Ranch, Christina is seen here demonstrating proper mounting and dismounting techniques to our wrangler/instructors.

Our dedicated staff of wrangler/instructors from left to right: To the far left holding Sokee is our fine Logistics Officer Calvin Bockbrader, USMC RECON, Lori De Santis owner of Arrowood Massage, just behind Lori is Karen Hardy, NARHA trained & owner of Santa Fe Riding Co., LLC, Thomas Wingate, US Army Veteran & Manager, Eaves Movie Ranch, Nancy De Santis working cowgirl, treasurer & secretary of H4H, and Tricia Warwick, Admin Assistant NM State Government & Blue Star Mom.