Mar 21, 2011

Great Weekend!

We had a great busy weekend with some great visits from our Horses For Heroes - Cowboy Up! family...

Friday afternoon two of our Purple Heart Veterans stopped by on their way to the 4th Annual Bully Bash in Pueblo, CO. One took 1st, two placed 3rd, and another place 2nd in various categories - Good Job and congratulations!!!

Melanie Freeman from the Christian Science Monitor was having a visit taking some shots for the article coming out in April - be sure to pick up a copy!

OMG! Too cute for words!

Preparing for the "show stance".

Melanie fell in love...

...and Ranger did too!

What can I say..............................Priceless!

But before the guys left, they had to have a visit and say hello to our other four leggeds
Hollywood always has to get in on the picture!

St. Jack now sees the coast is clear... get all the attention...

...and loving it as usual!

So that's where Hollywood went, he saw the REAL camera!!!

Then on Saturday we had two Cowboy Up! sessions

St. Jack's first session of the season.

Cowboy coffee anyone?

To cap off the day we had our very own Carl Hawkins bless our tipi - Many Thanks Carl!

Carl Hawkins, (blackfoot),USMC RECON