Today is National Purple Heart Day and we celebrated with the Maverick Club in Cimarron yesterday as their guests at their 2nd Annual WRCA Rodeo ~ it was great fun! The talent of these working cowboys and their steeds is truly amazing to watch!
The Maverick club took good care of us welcoming us as their honored guests. As they brought light and gave thanks to all the military veterans who have served and are serving this country, the Mavericks also spread the word about our organization's work, thanks to announcer and noted Western music star RW Hampton. The Mavericks also invited our very own Purple Heart recipient, Cowboy Up! graduate and San Cristobal Ranch cowboy, Sterling Bucholz U.S.M.C./Ret to ride in the Purple Heart Flag to kick off the rodeo events. Awesome job Sterling, you continue to make us proud!
Upon completion of the rodeo there was a salt block throwing contest (see the last two pictures below). For those of you who do not know what a salt block is, it is a block of salt and trace minerals that livestock lick to obtain minerals for a healthy system. The block weighs a hefty 50 lbs! You can understand now the challenge of this contest. Whoever can throw the the block furthest wins! There was an entry fee to participate in this challenge, the more participants the bigger the winnings, but the Mavericks surprised us by splitting the proceeds and donating half to our organization ~ again, thank you Maverick Men! You are great guys and we are grateful to know and share some time with you all!!! Thank you to all the salt block throwing participants too! You rock, no pun intended! Special thanks to our Maverick Brothers, Randy Chambers, Spider Holmgren and Jeremiah Johnson. You guys are the best!